Relation Of The Planet Of Venus With Golden Ratio

The planet Venus has a rich history, almost in every culture around the world. In Vedic astrology, it is known as Shukra (Sanskrit translation is seed or semen). In Islamic culture, it's known as Zohra or Zuhra. Roman mythology, the goddess of love and beauty, Venus emerged from the sea. Similarly, the Hindu goddess of beauty and wealth, Lakshmi, emerged from the ocean during the 'Samudra Manthan' (the churning of the sea).

The common theme that can be deduced from this research is that Venus is associated with beauty, love, wealth, procreation, water and seas. In my previous article, I mentioned how the water element is crucial for beauty. Both the feminine planets, Venus and Moon are associated with the seas. 'La Mer' and other famous luxury skincare products have marine ingredients which have great healing properties. One interesting astronomical characteristic of Venus, to be noted is the Pentagram. This is the pattern that Venus's revolution around the Sun creates every year. This pentagram follows the golden ratio, which has a deep connection to beauty, symmetry, and sustenance of life. This pentagram shape is also commonly found in fruits. Hence Venus has been associated with fruits. 

Right from genetic material DNA to the dispersal of seed, nature follows the rule of the golden ratio. This special number which equals 1.618, has been repeatedly seen occurring in nature. Ancient civilizations like India and Rome has used this technique to create beautiful architecture. Even the judgment of a beautiful face has been linked to this balanced ratio. 

This number is the secret and key to the sustenance of procreation in the world. Mahamritunjay mantra ( or mantra for immortality) which has been given been by Shiv to Shukra has a connection with this magical ratio.

We can see the connection between biological reproduction with this number and the mantra. I guess this is the secret to immortality, our genetic material being passed down by our kids, the future generation of the world. Strong DNA or genes guarantee the survival of the fittest. 
