Rahu Makes You Build Castles In The Air!

Rahu is an airy graha that creates Vata dosha which gives nervous temperament and urges for constant movement. Wherever it is placed, the person compulsively moves that body part represented by the house out of discomfort or agitation. Sometimes it can also cause chronic diseases or fractures due to accidents in those areas. 

Building castles in the air is often used metaphorically to symbolize day-dreaming. But in the world where we live, virtual reality is anything but this. Anything that lacks base (or Ketu) is likely to vanish into thin air when the time comes. Rahu is the child of Maya or the grand illusion created by God. So, Rahu grants human beings the power similar to God to build their own reality within his reality. 

The universe is often co-related with illusion because everything is held in place by time or Kaal. If you destroy time (like Kaal Bhairava) and everything collapses. Time is now used by science to measure distances but everything exists in the relativity of time. 

Now coming back to the topic of Rahu and how he allows you to fulfill your desires and aspirations. Rahu or the north node is often cited by astrologers for being the reason for birth. If you quit having the desire, probably your chances of reincarnation will reduce as per your pending karma. As often people make great sacrifices and choose the wrong means to get what they want. Their desires drive them crazy. Rahu has a strong role to play in manic disorders when conjunct with the Moon.

Wherever this north node is placed in your chart you can use hook or crook to get what you want. The chances of you getting what you want are also high if Rahu is placed. Rahu is considered the head of the demon Svarbhanu. So, one has the potential to use negative energy in Rahu placed house. 

Western astrologers often say that the north node represents unchartered areas where growth was lacking in your life in your past incarnations. So, you have a heightened sense of enthusiasm and restlessness to discover and make this area your own, unlike Ketu where you are forced to be banished. 

All these characteristics are high dominant during Rahu mahadasha and antardasha. The restlessness increases and newer opportunities enter in your life during this time. Your desires get fulfilled on their own and you often receive more than you deserve. Besides the high that the north node gives never truly satisfies you from within, so you seek more and are never truly satisfied. But towards the end, everything that has not been build with a strong base is gone with the wind. The collapse that you see in so quick that it almost feels unreal.


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