Is Rahu Exalted In Rohini Nakshatra?

Rahu and Ketu represent the two nodes of the Moon. As the 'mind' is signified by the moon in Vedic astrology, the nodes symbolize the two aspects of our perception. One aspect is an illusion which is represented by Rahu, and the other aspect is Ketu which shows you the ultimate reality. 

Rohini is located in Taurus, the natural second house which represents the pleasant aspects of life like sensory indulgences and material stabile. The north node or Rahu, being the illusory aspect of our lives, is exalted here, as the mind feels most safe, and secure in Taurus.

Although illusion is often considered as something negative, a deception that disrupts your perception of reality. But it is in actuality a protective veil that protects us from the harsh reality. Just like the conditioning of fairytales that we give our children. We hide the unpleasant aspects of life from them because they are vulnerable, still growing, and have not reached their full potential yet. Similarly, illusion makes our lives slightly sweeter, more pleasant, and bearable.

We want to mask our vulnerabilities in form of make-up, fashion, and polished behavior. That's why romantic movies, glamour, and happy endings allure us. They give us the temporary relief, a short term pleasure, and hope to hold on to. 
However, when we are alive, we are actively participating in the illusory side of the cosmos. We believe that the relationships we hold, our material wealth, our appearance, and our body is something that we possess. But with time, everything slips from our hands into oblivion. Nature who in form of a mother nourishes us into adults, finally consumes us like a black hole, destroying every aspect of our physical existence in form of death.

Everything in this world is a temporary phase be it happiness, sorrow, success, failure, beauty, ugliness, fame, wealth, or poverty. The themes of the eighth house 'changes, death, and endings' are the only constants. Life is really a game oscillating between these two extremes. In a way, the entire material aspect universe is an illusion. Space or nothingness is the only reality. As we are born we take form as part of this Maya or the grand illusion of nature. 
