Venus Is Mother Nature Personified!

According to Vedic astrology, Venus controls the process of procreation. It is known by the name of Shukra in India. Women are perceived to be the incarnation of Venus and mother nature. Many of the typical feminine traits are similar to the nature of Venus as described in ancient Vedic texts like Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, Surya Siddhanta, and Bhrigu Samhita 

Venus's influences make things refined through the process of careful discrimination just like the DNA and gene sequence which is also believed controlled by this graha. The DNA molecule is based on the golden ratio. In my article on Venus's influence on the golden ratio, I have emphasized how the golden ratio has been developed by nature to maximize reproduction on Earth.

In many animal species, the female has the final say in the mate choosing process. But particularly, in the mammalian species, females are usually the choosy ones. In the Guardian's article on the history of human genes, it has been found that throughout human history, mothers have regularly outnumbered fathers, meaning that more women have passed on their DNA than men. 

So, it is safe to conclude that the females on the Earth directly or indirectly control the process of evolution. 

Darwin's theory of natural selections states how nature breeds new and complex organisms through the dominance of stronger and fitter genes.

Organisms that are more adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on the genes that aided their success. This process causes species to change and diverge over time. 

Modern psychologists, time and again, refer to the natural selection process to explain many of the current-day thinking processes. How sub-consciously the concept of beauty, and attractiveness has evolved so that the best genes continue to pass on to the future generations. 

The study of human aesthetics has often come up with common conclusions where symmetry, fertility, and fitness were considered desirable and hence termed "beautiful" or desirable. And these concepts are sub-consciously wired in brains since time immemorial. Hence, although beauty is considered subjective in the modern-day, it still has its roots in the 'natural selection' theory.

There is also a strong harsh side to Venus or mother nature. The females or women have a history of being demonized due to their harsh or cruel nature. Women being a reflection of nature and are highly discriminatory. 

From a general perspective, most of them have the feminine qualities of being choosy, fiercely loyal, and nurturing. Unlike men, women have always preferred a single partner to bring up their children. They have also selective about whom they love or serve, making them more family-oriented than men. They mimic nature's quest for order, fierce competition, and perfection, all themes pertaining to the Virgo (the virgin) zodiac sign. 

Nature is very intolerant towards any kind of weakness. As the saying goes, 'survival of the fittest' proves that to live many organisms have to fight others. Before human evolution when hunting was the only way to procure food. The tussle between prey and predator decided the survival of them both. In such scenario, the weak perishes, but from a humane point of view, we find it cruel.

Mother nature first nourishes us in form of a kind and loving parent, then with time when we finish our worldly duties, it slowly takes away whatever it had once blessed us with. It gives us beauty, vitality, and attractiveness to procreate. But once, your children are grown up, it takes aways all the above, leaving you weak, old, and ugly. Some can call this cruel, and a harsh aspect of the earth. 

In new sociological research studies, it has been found that women test men around them. They do so sub-consciously do it from a practical point-of-view. They want to be sure that their off-springs are well-cared for. Hence, the traditional norm of women seeking rich men has developed. Being rich makes men resourceful which benefits both women and kids. 

This is the reason why the concept of Prakurti(Nature) and Purusha(Man) exists in Hinduism. 'Man Vs Wild' has been the long battle of humans against nature for their survival. Purusha is the soul, the Self, pure consciousness, and the only source of consciousness. 

It is the qualities like conscience, consciousness, and adaptability that has made human, the superior race on Earth. The more conscious we become, we get closer to the fabric of the cosmos or the universe. This divine consciousness connects us all. 

But having said this, one can't deny the extremely important role of Prakurti, or the nature. It gives us a fresh opportunity every time, we incarnate on Earth to become more self-aware and develop consciousness. Hence the divine masculine (Purusha) and divine feminine (Prakurti) are integral for each others existence. Together they complete each other, and are essential to attain the final destination of salvation.
