Is There Free Will In Vedic Astrology?

There is always a dilemma in people who believe in astrology in whether their entire life is scripted. This is a good question to ponder upon. The answer to this is rather simple.

It often happens with the followers of astrology, that they start having a fatalist approach. Yes! your life might be scripted or you are probably just a puppet in the hands of destiny. But where did it all start? What you may call destiny today, is what your karma was in past lives. Your desires, mental, physical and emotional karma has manifested in this life as your destiny. It is a universal principle that what you sow is what you reap. There is no question about it. Some might get their fruits of labour and some might get it later. So that very well concludes that you are the creator of your destiny. Remedies and spirituality tranform your karma. By changing your karma, you can change your destiny of present and future lives or incarnation. So don't be too depressed when you don't see promising aspects in your chart. There is no black or white in our universe, but a lot of grey areas. You can be happy by practising gratitude and working on what satisfies you internally. 
