Vedic Astrology & Clothes

In Vedic astrology, white ensembles are associated with the feminine planets Venus and Moon. Both of them are associated with grooming. Psychologically when one is wearing white, one has to be very hyperaware. Because a small stain will show clearly against the white background. 

In contrast to the high maintenance demands of white clothes is the color black ruled by Saturn. Black hides the flaws.  If you wear black pieces frequently, it is really difficult to access how dirty it has become. Both dirt and laziness is associated with Saturn. 

Black is the easiest outfit to carry and people opt for it often when don't want to spend too much time and effort on deciding what to wear.

I must add here that we are living in age dominated by Saturn. Democracy rules, being thin is desirable and wearing bright colors is tacky.

One should not hesitate to wear black once in a while but one must become aware when it becomes a habit. As this color is associated with tamas, wearing it often will increase tamasic qualities laziness, apathy and indifference.

Bright warm colors like red, orange and yellow are associated with Deva grahas Mars, Sun & Jupiter. Warm colors radiate goodwill, positive vibes and life force energy.

Ketu which is one of the natural karaka of 8th house and transformation is associated with stitched clothes. For longest time in Indian history wearing stitched clothes were avoided although  practise was known to people. Draped clothing was preferred. Men and women wore solid colored fabrics draped in form of kayabandh  antariya and uttariya. Saree was worn with stanapatta or breast band. As embroidery always involved needlework came into picture late, especially after foreign  invaders came in. Even stitching clothes was prohibited to pregnant ladies. 

Rahu belongs to Mlecccha category. Mlecccha is someone who lives outside of society and doesn't follow societal norm. So clothing that doesn't follow social norm or is avant-garde would be influenced by Rahu. 
