Creativity In Vedic Astrology🎨

The 5th house or Leo is the main house of creativity. The 3 main planets to check creativity is through Sun, Venus & Ketu.

Sun is the natural leader and hates to follow the crowd. It will love to stand out and revel in it's originality and creativity. 

Venus is another important planet when it comes to artistic ability. All nakshatras associated with creativity have Venusian influence (e.g, Rohini, Swati, Purva Phalguni, Purva Asadha). There is a sense of elitism in Venus just like Sun.

Venus is an artist and has superior tastes. People with strong Venus develop refined taste with time with a lot of efforts. True artists don't care about people's review or trends. They are just too passionate and involved in their craft. 

Ketu has to more do with channelling inner thoughts. South node or ketu makes one introspective. This inner churning creates a lot of thoughts which needs a release. So ketu dominant people get involved in different art forms to channel their thoughts. 

So we can say that real creativity comes from a place of putting more importance on developing one's individuality & self-expression. That's why 5th house &  Leo is the prime house of creativity. 
