Esoteric Significance Of Jyestha & Mula Nakshatras

Transition from Jyestha to Mula nakshatra is the most challenging one. Both of them are gandmool placements located at the gandanta point signifying change from water to fire. I feel every gandanta point has significant spiritual aspect to it. The Mooltrikona degrees for Jupiter is 0 - 10 degrees Sagittarius which is occupied by Mula nakshatra. This endows all Mula natives tremendous potential. This enormous energy brings with it a dangerous aspect of self-destructive tendency. 

Both Hanuman and Ravana had Mula nakshatra but both dealt with their enormous potential differently. Son of wind God, Hanuman as a kid was notorious. Due to his misbehaviour powerful sages cursed him to forget his magic powers until he was reminded of them after meeting lord Ram.

Ravana on the other hand was extremely intelligent and learned. His intense sadhna earned him many merits but his desires too grew enormously. He began misusing his powers and ultimately destroyed everything he created in the first place. Dissatisfaction, spirituality and self-control are 3 major life lessons for both Jyestha-Mula natives. Jyestha seeking power in material world through self-control and Mula born with enormous power but being unable to hold onto their material abundance due to lack of control.

When an individual passes from Jyestha to Mula stage, he needs to let go of his materialistic ambition and seek the real meaning of life (Jupiter). When Jupiter & spirituality enters into the picture (like lord Ram meeting Hanuman), Mula energies are stabilised. Seeking knowledge is the most crucial part of a Mula native. Hermione played by Mula moon Emma Watson was rooted in wisdom. She had set her priorities right from the beginning. In "beauty and the beast" movie, Mula moon actress Emma Watson goes beyond physical image to fall in love with the beast. In Mula nakshatra stage, it is important to go beyond external appearance and seek the real meaning of life. This is where Jupiter is truly established! 
