How To Link D1 Chart To D9 Chart?

To understand d9 chart, it is best to first about nakshatra and padas. Each nakshatra is divided into 4 parts known as padas. These 4 padas represents - Dharma, Artha, Kama, Moksha.

1st Pada - Dharma (Principles)-Fire Signs 

2nd Pada- Artha (Material Resources)-Earth Signs

 3rd Pada- Kama(Desires)-Air Signs

4th Pada- Moksha(Liberation)-Water Sign

When a planet is vargottma it means it is in the same sign in both d1 and d9 chart.

1st Pada - Dharma (Principles)-Fire Signs 

2nd Pada- Artha (Material Resources)-Earth Signs

 3rd Pada- Kama(Desires)-Air Signs

4th Pada- Moksha(Liberation)-Water Sign

When a planet is vargottma it means it is in the same sign in both d1 and d9 chart.

In D9 chart, each zodiac sign is divided into 9 parts or 9 padas (which covers nearly 2 & half nakshatras). 

E.g, Aries sign: It will have 9 padas- Ashwini(4 padas), Bharini(4 padas) + Kritika (1 pada).

This cycle continues throughout the entire zodiac belt. So any planet which is in pada 1 of any nakshatra will go to a fire sign (Dharma pada) in navamsa. Similarly for any planet in pada 2 of nakshatra will go to an earth sign (Artha pada) in d9.

So each sign will have one vargottma pada. Let's say you have moon in Taurus(earth sign) in Rohini nakshatra pada-2 (Artha pada- earth sign). Then in this case, you will have moon in earth sign in both d1 and d9 chart. When this occurs the Artha factor of moon will gain strength.

Hence, this repetition of sign element creates strength creates "vargottma". If a  malefic graha is badly placed and vargottma, then it's power to cause damage will be doubled. Similarly well placed benefics in vargottma confer good results.

Planets placed in 1st pada of nakshatra are good for body, principles, self-esteem, thinking abilities, personality and status. 

Planets placed in 2nd pada of nakshatra are good for money, resources, and materialistic life in general. 

Planets placed in 3rd pada of nakshatra are good for relationships of all kinds- love, marriage, friendship, and business deals.

Planets placed in 4th pada of nakshatra are good knowledge, intuition, spirituality and esoteric practices. 
