Celebrity Status & Fame In Vedic Astrology

The visibility of a person has been correlated to the Sun's movement in the sky in Vedic astrology. The most visible house being the mid-heaven or the tenth house. Most celebrities and public figures have strong tenth house. 

If tenth house is afflicted it will cause issues with public image. 10th house is the directional strength of the Sun. 5th house is the moolatrikona of the Sun. These two houses are important to be a celebrity or public figure.

Along with these houses, 11th house is the house of social approval. Like these where you see influencers reaching celebrity status due to mass following. Strong 11th house gives that kind of popularity.

If the lord of 5th, 10th, and 11th houses are strongly placed with no malefics aspecting these houses or their lords. Then you can say that these houses are strong and unafflicted. Sun's placement alone in these houses can't confer raja yoga.

Dhanistha nakshatra is associated with fame as it lies in the cusp of 10th and 11th house. Not only do they have fame and status, they also enjoy crazy fan following. This makes their longevity of fame strong. One placement or one nakshatra can't guarantee fame, money or glamour. The whole chart must favour for it.
