Coded Symbolism In Vedic Remedies & Rituals

Many people have prejudice about different Vedic rituals and remedies in Vedic astrology. It is definitely more deeper than it seems on surface. All Vedic rituals are symbolic of the spiritual themes. Spirituality is actually believing that there is something beyond the mundane material world. That humans and universe are not limited to their physical bodies.

In Vedic culture, knowledge was always coded in form of symbols and rituals so that the knowledge only reaches to those who deserve it. This is the reason why the old and wise just taught rituals without explaining the real logic behind it.
What happens when knowledge is free and distributed to undeserving people? They misuse it or abuse it for their own material gains or cause destruction. The real essence of remedies is the real fruit and the process is the outer peel of the fruit. If you are just going to judge the ritual from a physical or mundane perspectives, you will only get the peel of the fruit. The real beauty is understanding in the essence of the doing the ritual.
