Dusthanas, Moksha Houses & Ketu

Two out of the three moksha houses are considered dusthanas or bad placements. Bad is subjective in terms of materialistic happiness. These dusthanas are good for spritual progress.

The two moksha houses -8th (Scorpio) and 12th (Pisces) are associated with Ketu. Ketu is the co-ruler of Scorpio & Pisces. It being the natural mokshakaraka and yet a malefic purges. It creates disillusionment from the external world. It is a painful process but nonetheless a very important one in the path of moksha. Moksha is the other word for liberation or putting an end to the cycle of rebirth. 
Both 8th and 12th houses are associated with emotions and water element. Being compassionate is the first step to liberation. Along with this, it also gives a lot of wisdom as water has the power to absorb a lot. People with prominent 8th and 12th house placements can be overly emphatic and their surroundings easily affect them.
