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Jyestha Nakshatra Themes: Conquer

The Shakti associated with Jyestha is the power to conquer over enemies. That means that their lives will be full of enemies trying to bring them down. Lord of Scorpio where Jyestha lies is Mars and Aries (own house of Mars becomes 6th from Scorpio.

People with prominent Jyestha: be ready to conquer and rise. Mars is the army commander in vedic astrology. Always fight for the justful cause and Dharma.

Mar's birth nakshatra is Purva Asadha. It lies in Sagitarrius, which is the house of Dharma(or principles). So in ancient times, warriors had strong principles. Even in warfare there were strong rules.

Example: In Mahabharata story, the eldest son of Kunti was Yudhisthira. He had moon in Jyestha. He was called as Jyestha by his other four brothers. In ancient India, the eldest child was called by the name Jyestha as it means the eldest. They take responsibility of the entire household. 

Even in case of other Jyestha moon natives, they often take the responsibility of their families. Even when they are not the first born in their family. Yudhisthira had multiple Jyestha related themes going on in his life. His kingdom was usurped multiple times. He had to give up his throne multiple times due to enemies. His life was rampant with secret haters even among his own family members. The story of Indra, the ruling deity of Jyestha nakshatra, states that when he was in the womb of goddess Aditi. Diti, the sister of Aditi was very jealous and asked her husband to beget a child more powerful than him. There was threat to his life even before he was born. Because even before Indra was born, it was predicted that he will become the king of heavens. That he will be all powerful. Even when Yudhisthira was born, it incurred the wrath of many especially Dhritarashtra as he wanted his first born to become a king. The reason why there are many ups and downs in the life of Jyestha is because "Indra" is actually a position in the court of devatas or Gods. He can be overthrown, so others challenge the authority of Jyestha. Fights and jealousy become a part of their life.
