The Chaotic State Of Revati Nakshatra Gandanta

Revati is the final nakshatra among all 27 lunar mansion showing the themes of completion. Here, in the height of Pisces, one comes to know about the real meaning of existence or the cosmic play. In all previous nakshatras we indulge our minds in some form of fantasy or delusion.

But here in Revati, there is the end to fantasy and one is painfully aware of the reality. It is very difficult for Revati natives to not see the reality as it is. They are extremely aware of the reality of the world.

Contrary to the perceived notion of Pisces being delusional. It is far from it. These natives purposefully seek escapism because they hyper aware of the meaninglessness of material existence. This is why Pisces sign can give issue of substance abuse. 

Revati is a gandanta nakshatra which makes it a difficult placement. Because it is associated with exiting material plane and  after life. It's deity Pushan is a psychopomp (soul guide), who conducts souls to the other world. 

At this gandanta point between Revati and Ashwini, a person starts thinking at soul level. This is why Ketu is associated with both Pisces and Aswini. He being the karaka of detachment and moksha. Pisces being the natural 12th house, the house of moksha. 

As Revati people understand the futility of material existence, the start questioning the rules of human society. 12th house being the opposite of 6th house of rules. Their disillusionment caused by Ketu gives them a dark sense of humour. 

This can lead them to break all rules of society as mentally they feel superior to those who are blindly bound to their delusions. 

Breaking rules and doing absurd things for the sake of fun excites them. They love to carry out social experiments, and poke fun at others.

They are even fluid in terms of fashion. Women wearing androgynous clothing and men wearing feminine colours. Their disregard for rules makes them fashion trend-setters. 

Coming to the deity of this nakshatra, Pushan is one of 12 Adityas or sun gods. He is guardian of flocks and herds. "Push" is associated with nurturing and this gives a softer side to Revati natives and  I have often seen in them being animal lovers. 
