Different Atmakaraka Grahas & Personality

Atmakaraka nakshatra, rashi and placement is very important to check as it holds significant clues to your lifestyle and behavior. I have learnt some bits from Pandit Sanjay Rath and some I have researched on my own. Here's my take on each atmakaraka.

For most moon atmakaraka natives "fluctuations" are a part of life. Food habits change completely over time. They feel stronger at night, weak in the morning and almost dead by the afternoon. Love creamy foods. Dairy products can be comforting.

Sun atmakaraka should follow a routine (ideally). They are into starchy foods mostly wheat based (unless they are gluten intolerant). Similar to moon atmakaraka people benefiting from dairy products unless they are lactose intolerant.

Mars Atmakaraka natives are very energetic and take responsibility often. They thrive on caffeine☕ Love for hot and spicy foods. They love to dress up like an army commander with combat boots, chains, and edgy clothing.

Venus atmakaraka people are sophisticated and have refined taste when it comes to food or lifestyle. They incline towards white or pastels.

Mercury atmakaraka natives similar to moon atmakaraka crave variety and change. Although there is a fine of difference as in case of Moon ak, change is not intiated by them but mercury ak natives can't deal with monotony. Moon ak person is moody. Mercury ak person is versatile.

Jupiter atmakaraka is somewhat balanced. Seekers of knowledge, broad minded, and kind of all-embracing type of people. They mostly like rich foods like butter or  full fat yoghurt (not necessarily junk or oily food).

Saturn atmakaraka natives also feel powerful at night. Food wise they tend to gravitate towards sweet or fried foods. Themes of self-control being prominent in their lives.

Rahu atmakaraka is the most interesting. As I feel people with Rahu ak are like modern monks. Very disciplined in whatever they do, food habits and lifestyle. Although it is seen in later phases of life, they slowly adapt to this lifestyle.

To check if you have Rahu atmakaraka, subtract the degree of Rahu from 30 degrees (because nodes are always retrograde). The result you get should be compared with the planet having highest degree in your chart. Whichever is more, will be your atmakaraka.
