Inner Life Of Dhanistha Nakshatra

While Dhanistha nakshatra gives an outwardly glamorous life the personal life is always difficult. Because dhanistha lies in Saturn ruled signs plus moon and Saturn are not friends. 

There are several reasons for it. Some Dhanistha natives share difficult relationship with their mom, went through abuse, or felt deprived of love in their childhood which makes them emotionally stunted. It later manifests in life with being guilty of one's emotional needs. You can see this time and again in several Dhanistha moon celebs life. As moon nakshatra is the Jamna or birth nakshatra. Having a challenging childhood is part of their life. E.g, Diana who was although born to an incredibly wealthy Spencer family but had a troubled childhood. 

Similarly Marilyn Monroe early childhood was cold and sad. Dhanistha gain a lot of beauty and wealth in their youth when Muladhara chakra activates after puberty. I have often seen post puberty Dhanistha natives shine as the root chakra gets consolidated. The root chakra grants natives an abundant body, insanely attractive mass appeal, focus, and worldly wealth. Dhanistha natives are worldly ofcourse lying in the cusp of 10th and 11th cusp which gives them tremendous power to do well in career and earn money.

Particularly the Aquarius Dhanistha is incredibly lucky in terms of fame and wealth. These individuals turning magnets for wealth and fame. Spotlight chases them. They are always popular in their circles.

Dhanistha natives are worldly intelligent. They are extremely hard-working and ambitious. At the same time, very grounded. Saturn's influence gives them humility which makes them utterly popular.

Because people can't over the fact that even though they are so beautiful, talented and wealthy, they are still so grounded and chill. They are like the girl next door in real life. Most Dhanistha women are tomboys and fuss free trackpant loving girls beneath their sultry image.

Another aspect where Dhanistha suffer is marriage. This nakshatra has been associated with Manglik dosha due to the strong influence of Mars with this nakshatra. Either they stay unmarried like Bhishma and Salman Khan or end up in broken marriages. I don't want to fear monger.

One placement doesn't decide the entire. But generally speaking Dhanistha natives have better professional lives than personal lives. This has been observed in many cases. Another reason why their marriage hits a rock is due to their insane appeal. They tend to age slower.

Muladhara chakra gives a lot of nutrition to the body. The root chakra is responsible for absorption and utilisation of the nutrients provided by the food. So Dhanistha natives age slowly and retain their appeal for a very long time which can threaten their partners.

Their overpowering appeal can influence their personality. So much so that most Dhanistha women have often played "bimbo" characters in movies. Although they are no where near. I have mentioned this before but I haven't came across any unintelligent or mediocre Dhanistha native.

I feel souls that are born in Dhanistha nakshatra are on a spiritual contract to serve the society. This "serving  society" theme runs in both Capricorn and Aquarius nakshatras. One of the 8 vasus, the ruler of Dhanistha nakshatra, Bhisma vowed to stay unmarried and serve his kingdom. Although he never even took up the throne. Constantly serving others till the last breath of his life. He was cursed ofcourse by sage prior to his human incarnation.
