Conscience & Sun: The naisargika or natural atmakaraka (or soul significator)

Sun is the most spiritual graha because it represents the soul itself. It represents conscience or soul. When one does something against their conscience, it leads to soul destruction. Because guilt is a powerful emotion. People with well placed sun have a lot of guilt because of their conscience.

Sun and the soul have a lot of similarities in a way where they only care about your spiritual advancement. 

He is the harsh fire that burns impurities, similarly soul goes through the painful process of rebirth and reincarnation to gain enlightenment and attain liberation. Soul is not concerned with your worldly comforts.

Sun is a malefic that is sattvic which indicates that he is a harsh teacher but he has his best intentions in his heart. Wherever sun is placed you have to work in that area selflessly following moral code of conduct.

People who don’t have well placed Sun either have inferiority complex or superiority complex. The cure is develop solid self-confidence and self-esteem. This comes through effort by being objective about your self and self-awareness.

Comparing yourself with others makes your Sun weak because you are adding Rahu qualities to Sun here. Rahu induces inferiority complex through constant fixation on one's weakness. Understanding that each person's life is different, accepting your individual life path and treading on it builds solid self-confidence.

The moola trikona of Sun represented by the sign Leo is Karaka of heart. Rahu represents your analytical abilities and brain. But soul resides in the heart. Listening to your brain will make you a worldly successful person but you will be aching from inside.

Generally when people do something that goes against their conscience, it leads to self-destruction which is again kind of goes against the soul. So always listen to your conscience.
