Symbols Of Punarvasu Nakshatra

Punarvasu is considered as the star of safety, accommodation and renewal. It is the seventh lunar mansion and follows the tumultuous Ardra nakshatra. Both nakshatras are associated with tumultuous emotions and empathy. There is a lot of pain and suffering in the previous lunar mansion of Ardra whose hypercritical and rebellious tendencies make them outcastes of the society. This theme is also prominent in Punarvasu lives. First they become outcast then (Ardra theme) they overcome it (theme of return & renewal), and also help other outcastes to bring them back in society. Punarvasu is the nakshatra of rectification, and second chances. In many ways, Punarvasu seems to work in tandem with Ardra nakshatra. As they are located primarily in the Gemini sign, the twelfth sign from Cancer, the natural house of moon. It is the first dual sign showing the presence of both logic and emotions. People with Gemini moon use both or sometimes struggle with indecisiveness. 

First in Ardra, there is a lot of struggle and sorrow as it is ruled by the fierce god Rudra and symbolised by a tear drop. But in Punarvasu there is repentance and another opportunity to improvise, there is mercy of the generous mother goddess Aditi. It also represent the universal principle of infinity, and that we all have infinite potential as a soul to redo our mistakes, and be successful in our undertaking. She is the ruling deity of the nakshatra and was worshipped in early Vedic period for safety, prosperity and progeny. Her maternal characteristics are found in the natives of this nakshatra. They are very cautious, very calculated in their dealings, and take measured risks. Even in the worst case scenario, they escape unscathed due to blessings of goddess. They have wonderful mothers and very supportive parents. All 12 sun gods or Adityas were among her 33 children. All her off-springs went on to become deva or godly beings. It is said that they inherited their divine traits from her. Hence this nakshatra is counted among the other nine deva gana nakshatras.

Goddess Aditi represents the un-manifest space which gives rise to tangible manifest existence. She is the female version of Bramha who is the creator. In the Rig Veda, it is stated that she gave birth to Daksha and then was born to him again. This shows the cyclical nature of birth, time, existence. One of prime themes of Punarvasu is the repeating patterns within the cycle of life. DNA which forms the basis of biological creation, and evolution is symbolic of this universal law of repetition.

Themes of infinity, re-incarnation, repetition, and reproduction is associated with this nakshatra. Vic Di Cara mentions in his video how this nakshatra is very strongly linked with theme of "avatars". 

She is the goddess of both space, and earth. Due to the influence of this people born in Punarvasu Nakshatra are very accommodating like the air element, idealistic, and creative. Their lofty ideals are often unrealistic, and they require some grounding. Since this is a goddess nakshatra, women born in this lunar mansion are luckier compared to the male natives. They embody the motherly nature of the ruling deity of this nakshatra and her feminine nature well. Modesty and simple living really suits them. They are not too attached with material wealth. E.g, Punarvasu moon celeb Keanu Reeves whose net worth is in millions but he never brags about it. He donates a lot and is modest.

Natives of this lunar mansion are considered naive and principled. They follow rules and easily forgive others. They are very simple and straightforward people, they don't like complicated or cunning individuals. Most of the times they feel that life is difficult for them because of their generosity and benevolent nature. They are often taken advantage of by their close friends and family members (like mother goddess Aditi). It is important for them to develop patience and learn to let go because they have to go through storms and then good things will eventually come to them. You have to wait for the return of light. Punarvasu natives are mostly second-time lucky. Most of the times, they go through the ups and downs in their life. Gemini sign being 8th to the natural 8th sign Scorpio also represents transformations. Facing trials and tribulations early in life teaches them valuable lessons in both spiritual and materialistic way. This is the reason they possess a lot of empathy, compassion, and wisdom beyond their age. They even go out of their way to help others.Their maternal instincts can make them be overprotective, and they can develop a preachy attitude towards others at times.

They should never forget that every good deed is a reward in itself. This nakshatra shows that life will give you a lot of second chances to improve. The scope of regaining everything and growth is immense in this nakshatra. Also everything that these individuals will give selflessly they get in return in abundanceThey are generally very self-aware, and matured beyond your age. Joni Patry said in her video that Punarvasu natives are pure light and they generally don’t have any shadow side.However when Punarvasus build boundaries around them it often shocks or hurts people because they are always so used to their nice behaviour. But in most cases it is for their self-preservation.

The body parts represented by this nakshatra are nose, and fingers. Most Punarvasu natives have a prominent long nose.

The symbol associated with this lunar mansion is a quiver of arrows. It is symbolic of many opportunities to improve or a metaphor for a well-prepared person who might have many arrows in the quiver, in order to avoid running out of “bow shots,” and many strings in the bow to make sure that the bow doesn't break during wars. Basically reconnecting with the safety theme of this nakshatra. They are very cautious themselves always planning ahead, being calculative in their dealings. They also take keen interest in health, diet and hygiene due to Mercury's and Gemini's influence. The best part about Punarvasu is that it is more internally rich than externally rich. They are so focused on self-development, philosophy, and spirituality. Their lives are full of ups, and down but optimism supports them. It is more about inner resources (quiver of arrows). Punarvasu natives also love to own things in pairs- like two bottles, two shampoos, or more than two sets for being resourceful.

The power or shakti associated with this lunar mansion is 'vasutva prapana shakti' or the power to create or accumulate wealth. This is an abundant nakshatra especially in term of inner quantities, and virtues. The natives also learn to become very successful over time as this nakshatra belong to vaishya or business category. Punarvasu natives have scope to become famous after 25 years of age.

The animal associated with this nakshatra is a female cat. They share some instincts of this domestic creature in their behaviour like; they can be fussy or picky eater, very flexible body, sleep in cosy places, sensitive to strong smells & home environment, they love small stuffed animals, and warm places. Another peculiar trait they share with cats is to give random thoughtful gifts to their loved ones. Most of them are homebodies, shy, introverted, and private person. Although with friends their jovial, and charming nature may suggest otherwise.

This nakshatra is one among of the five chara nakshatras which means movable. A peculiar trait that can be noticed with the natives of this lunar mansion is that they relocate a lot throughout their lives. This would include short travels, or changing residence often. 

The plant associated with this nakshatra is Bamboo as every part of it is edible. Often Punarvasu natives find more peace and comfort with animals and plants than the human society due to their highly spiritual nature.   As in many ways, these individuals are like trees, giving generously while expecting very less in return. Also Bamboo has enormous capacity to grow and reach heights very similar to the endless potential present in this nakshatra. Punarvasu natives love to be in the nature among plants, and animals. Their motherly, and nurturing personality feels more alive in this environment.

This nakshatra is ruled by Jupiter, or Guru (or Brihaspati). So for the Punarvasu natives, their father, spiritual guru, and teachers become very important in life. These people will have tremendous influence on them. Due to Jupiter's influence, these people also become preachers, or spiritual leaders. They love knowledge, philosophy, growth and expansion characterised by this Graha. People think they are easily contented but the truth is they are always very optimistic, and grateful for everything they receive.

 Punarvasu natives are often well-read intellectuals, and very wise (due to the combined influence of Jupiter and Mercury). However, they are more adept at focussing on the bigger picture than smaller details due to Brihaspati's broad-minded approach. Many of them love to over-intellectualise life, overthink on philosophy, and psychology. They are also true romantics at heart. They are better suited in professions where they are teachers, advisors or counsellors (Guru-related work) instead of partner business. They lack foresight, and trust others easily due to their own optimism. This leads to them being gullible, taken advantage of, and cheated. But there is always a divine protection given to them by goddess Aditi. 


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