The Power Of 27 Vedic Lunar Mansions

The Shakti literally translates to energy. This is base of all origin as matter is a condensed form of energy. Each nakshatra or lunar mansion helps to materialise some aspect of the earthly life. The use or misuse solely depends on the individual who possesses it. But this another interesting aspect of the nakshatras apart from the various symbolisms attached to it.

Ashwini🐴: Shidhra Vyapani Shakti (Power to reach quickly). The deities of this nakshatra are horse gods- Aswhinikumars who are healers. They provide fast relief. Swiftness is associated with stallions. Ashwini natives themselves are quite dynamic, always on the go and healthy.

Bharani🐘: Apabharani shakti (Power to take away or remove things). The ultimate removal of material existence, death, is controlled by Bharani's deity Yama. The power to dissolve what is beyond its time, and move on to next, is seen among the Bharani natives.

Krittika🔪: Dahana shakti (Power to burn) Ruler of Krittika nakshatra, Agni, gives heat, light, and the ability to purify. He is all- consuming, and uncontrollable. This fierceness exists among all Krittika natives.

Rohini🌹: Rohana shakti (Power to grow) Ruled by Prajapati Bramha, the creator god, this nakshatra is powerhouse of creativity. The power to nurture ideas, and bring it to fruition lies among Rohini natives. They are also attracted to agriculture, and farming.

Mrigashira 🦌: Prinana shakti (power of providing fulfillment). This nakshatra is ruled by Soma or Chandra or the Moon god is known for his pleasure-seeking, and hedonistic tendencies. Mrigashira natives love to enjoy themselves, and teach others how to do the same.

Ardra⚡️: Yatna shakti (Power of perseverance). This nakshatra is lord by god Rudra who is known to live extremely challenging life of penance. One of the symbols of this lunar mansion is a diamond 💎which is created from high pressure conditions. Ardra natives can endure a lot.

Punarvasu🏹: Vasutva Prapana Shakti (Power to create wealth) Presiding deity of this lunar mansion, Goddess Aditi was prayed to in early Vedic age to gain prosperity. The symbol attached to this nakshatra, quiver of arrows, held by Punarvasu native Lord Rama, show the endless resouces.

Pushya🐑: Brahmavarchasa shakti (power to to create spiritual energy) Lorded by the spiritual guru Brihaspati, Pushya nakshatra is the best day to start any kind of practise except marriage. Pushya natives are naturally wise, and good teachers.

Ashlesha 🐍:Visasleshana shakti (power to inflict with poison) Presided by the Nagas or the serpent gods, this lunar mansion with paralysing enemies with venom. In material world it may manifest in form mind games. Ashlesha natives are naturally good at politics, & mind strategy.

Magha👑: Tyage kshepani shakti (power to leave the body). In a way, it is disconnecting from one's material existence. Magha is one of the most intuitive nakshatras.

Purva Phalguni 🛏: Prajanana shakti (power of procreation) This nakshatra lies in the heart of Leo sign, natural 5th house associated with children. Both Phalguni nakshatras are associated with marriage, and procreating. The symbol related to this lunar mansion is marriage bed.

Uttara Phalguni 🛏: Chayani shakti (power of earning wealth through partnership). The collective wealth of a family is involved in this lunar mansion. This includes material wealth, and other valuable assets of all kinds.

Hasta: Hasta sthapaniya agama shakti (power to manifest desires and placing it onto your hand). This is the most powerful lunar mansion to materialise. Hasta natives generally accumulate a lot of wealth, and they will also do anything to get what they want at any cost.

Chitra🦪: Punya cayani shakti (power to earn merit through good karma). The ruling deity Vishwakarma is the celestial architect. Similarly Chitra natives have a good scope to gain recognition through their hard work, or artistic endeavours.

Swati🌱: Pradhvamsa shakti (power to scatter like the wind). Lord of this lunar mansion is Vayu or the wind god. He is mighty, and powerful like the gusty winds. This is a dynamic nakshatra, and it manifests in its natives. They are ambitious, and unwilling to settle for less.

Visakha🔥: Vyapana shakti (power to achieve fruits of action) This is another fierce nakshatra like Krittika co-ruled by the fire god Agni. But here the combined influence of Indra, makes it kind of more regal, and highly motivated for success.

Anuradha🪷: Radhana Shakti (power of worship) The power to devote solely to a person, cause or motive. Anuradha natives are devotional like Radha was towards to god Krishna. They also make great lovers.

Jyestha☂️: Arohana shakti (the power to rise or win over obstacles). This indicates that the lives of Jyestha natives are very challenging but winning is also their streak. The ultimate win is theirs like lord Indra, the ruler of this lunar mansion who is also the king of heavens.
Mula🐕:Barhana shakti (power to destroy) Destruction or divine violence is part of the universal laws. Enacting on these are Mula natives. Goddess Nritti is associated with ruin.
Purva Asadha 🌊: Varchograhana shakti (power to invigorate). Similar to the property of goddess Apah or the water god. This nakshatra has the power to regain strength. Purva Asadha natives are like water, silent but strong.
Uttara Asadha🌞: Apradhrisya shakti (Power to grant an unchallengeable victory) The name Uttara Asadha literally translates to later victory. It is one of the warrior caste nakshatras. They also have universal support in their favour as their ruling deities are the Vishwadevas.
Shravana👂: Samhanana shakti (power to connect) This nakshatra is associated with hearing as ear is the symbol which is a metaphor of communicating which helps connecting with every aspect of universe. These natives are bestowed with great intuition to listen to the unspoken word.
Dhanistha🥁: Khyapayitri shakti (Power to earn fame and wealth). This nakshatra is great for being in news or limelight. Their ruling deity eight Vasus or astha Vasus are the wealth givers.
Shatabisha⭕️: Bheshaja shakti (power of healing) lord Varuna is known as a mystical healer and this nakshatra can offer healing to the masses or the multitude as it lies in the heart of the humanitarian Aquarius.  
Purva Bhadrapada👣: Yajamana udyamana shakti (power to spiritually elevate or raise spirituality). It is a transformative nakshatra where one takes final step of spirituality of complete surrender, and faith. This lunar mansion lies in the cusp of Aquarius and Pisces.
Uttara Bhadrapada 🐉: Varshodyamana shakti (power of bringing rain). Rain is the metaphor of abundance and prosperity as it is also birth nakshatra of Lakshmi. Ruler of this lunar mansion is Ahir Budhnya, the atmospheric serpent dragon.
Revati🐟: Kshiradyapani shakti (power of nourishment). Natives of this nakshatra are animal lovers, and have a soft corner for the underprivileged section of the society similar to the ruling deity of this lunar mansion, sun god Pushan.
