What placements in Vedic Astrology gives red hair?

Mars ruled nakshatra natives (Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanistha), sidereal Aries moon, and sidereal Scorpio moon and rising sign ruled by Mars have natural red hair, and red undertones to the skin. (with respect to their genetic pool). Mars in 1st or 2nd house also manifests in red hair, and reddish undertone to the skin.

Moon ruled nakshatras (Rohini, Hasta, and Shravana) also dye their hair red or are natural red heads. Moon and Mars ruled nakshatras lie side by side in the nakshatra table. So that is why there are similarities. E.g, Hasta moon natives Kate Winslet, and Ariana Grande. Apart from these nakshatras, Magha also gives red hair, and ruddy complexion. Disney's Merida character was created by Jyestha moon native and voiced by another Jyestha moon native. Both were redheads too.

