What you lack based on your prominent sidereal chart placements?

What you lack based on your prominent sidereal chart placements?

Sidereal earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, & Capricorn) have good understanding of the mundane world. These placements help in building material wealth, and property. Charts which have less earth placements might find it difficult to be practical.

Sidereal water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, & Pisces) have good memory, foresight, and empathy. They usually do things for others in mind. Charts that lack water sign placements might struggle with emotional availability.

Sidereal fire signs (Aries, Leo, & Sagittarius) are quite driven, intelligent, and proactive. They indulge in intellectual debates, maintaining discipline, and fighting for justice. Charts that lack fire placements might struggle in channeling their anger properly.

Sidereal air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) thrive on social interaction, and creating new things. They are usually well read, love to communicate and engage in multiple hobbies. Charts that lack air placements might find social interactions draining.
