Venus & Gate Keeping

People with Venus rising, prominent Venus ruled signs and nakshatras are intellectuals but will never display or preach their knowledge. Most of them have a close circle of friends where they discuss their ideologies. They will test, and only give to worthy people.

It's all the way art field works. People think dancing, painting, or any kind of skill very easy to replicate whereas it needs high level of practice, and knowledge of techniques. Venus makes these skills look effortless but they actually require a lot of effort.

Venus gets exalted in the sign of Pisces. One can correlate this with higher levels of art where the work becomes philosophical. Most legendary artists embed their deep thoughts in form of coded symbols in their art. This codification is a form of gate-keeping.

It's also the way women function as they are embodiments of Venus. Most people underestimate their intelligence, or portray them as bimbos. This is why it's difficult to understand women. Women are multilayered, gatekeep their intelligence, and make their work seem effortless.
