Sidereal Moon Chart & Professions

Activities related to your moon sign brings in a lot of satisfaction. Studying moon chart is also important to study profession IMO (10th from moon). Especially those who chose careers based on personal interests or inclinations.

The activities related to each moon sign are as follows:

Aries- Physical activities, work that requires logic, leadership roles, & self grooming. 
Taurus- Cooking, work that requires good oratory skills like law, managing finances, & gardening.

Gemini- Writing, communication, journalism, teaching, craft based work, and content creation. Cancer- Counselling ling others, career related to sea, marine engineering, veterinarian, politics, or doing work for mass benefit.

Leo- Performance arts, creative professions, hair grooming, working for government, or taking care of children.

Virgo- Writing, art, craft, social service, animal shelter, cleaning, and organising. 
Libra- Space technology, music, singing, make-up, jewellery business, and law. 
Scorpio- Research, forensics, psychology, military, ancient sciences, and management.

Sagittarius- Teaching, performance arts, professions that require travelling, sports, and religious preaching. 
Capricorn- Corporate jobs, design, dance, music, and psychology. 
Aquarius- Social work, fashion, music, dance, astrology, and technology related work.

Pisces- Management roles, dealing with large amount of data or numbers, astrology, animal shelter, highly detail oriented work like design, or art.


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