The Interplay Of Punarvasu And Mula Nakshatra Axis

The first lunar mansion of sidereal Sagittarius, Mula nakshatra, is situated near the galactic centre and lies near the Cygnus & Vera constellation. It is also considered to be Goddess of knowledge, Saraswati's birth nakshatra. She is depicted to be seated on the swan, the symbol of Cygnus Constellation. Her string instrument sitar corresponds to the Lyra constellation which has been associated with lyre.  It was believed to have been dropped from the old 28 lunar mansions by lord Krishna during Mahabharata. The Vega star which lies in this constellation of Lyra and is called Abhijit nakshatra in Vedic astrology. Our sun and solar system are travelling through space in the approximate direction of the solar apex which lies near it. 

The symbolism associated with goddess Saraswati of swan and arrow can also be seen in the Punarvasu nakshatra of the opposite sign Gemini. Swan shows the quality of discernment and arrow represent the resources. Punarvasu nakshatra is ruled by another goddess named Aditi. She is the benevolent mother of gods and ruler of north-north-east direction in the Vastu Shastra. We see that is diametrically opposite to the direction of south-west ruled by Nritti. Goddess Aditi is the gentle goddess who forgives easily but it isn't the case of Nritti. She is the fierce form of femininity that puts others to test (this test offered by gandanta of Sco-Sag). This quality of testing others can be seen in Jyestha and Mula nakshatra natives too. But we see the influence of Jupiter, the graha of wisdom in this axis.

This 3rd house-9th house axis is the interplay of knowledge accumulation.  Gemini being the 3rd house is about collecting and propagating information collated over interviews and short travels. Sagittarius being the 9th house is widening of own's perspective through long distance travel and pilgrimage. It involves broader knowledge of the world and spirituality. Since, Sagittarius comes after Scorpio, it always presents knowledge that has been thoroughly researched. 

Mula nakshatra being located at the galactic centre is symbolised with root. The deity associated Nritti is the goddess of calamity and destruction. She is also guardian of the south-west direction in Vastu Shastra. South direction has been associated with the dead and the god of death, Yama.  In other words, this nakshatra is associated with dissolution. It lies in the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius, the junction point of water and fire sign, which in Vedic astrology is called gandanta point. Jupiter's Moolatrikona degrees are 0 to 10 degrees in Sagittarius, which is the sign that Mula nakshatra is in. 

Since Jupiter and Sagittarius are associated with Bhagya and fortune aspect of 9th house,  all Mula natives are given immense potential. This powerful energy however carries a risky component of a predisposition toward self-destruction due to the influence of Ketu and Nritti. The word "nritti," means "lack of rules" and  thus represents the person who is wild and disobeys all regulations. Ketu's headlessness or lack of self-control may lead them to phases of self-dissolution. 

When Jupiter & spirituality enters into the picture (like lord Ram meeting Hanuman), Mula's gandanta energies are stabilised. Seeking knowledge is the most crucial part of a Mula native. Saraswati is the goddess of wisdom, skills and music. Mula nakshatra natives are often very well-read intellectuals and connoisseur of arts. We can see in the movie characters played like Hermione from the Harry Potter and Belle from the Beauty And The Beast played by Mula moon Emma Watson, being rooted in wisdom. 


  1. Jupiter & Spirituality enters into the picture like load ram meeting hanuman, mula's gandanta energies are stabilised. thanks for the information Aartigyan


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