Effects Of Grahas In Their Domicile

Planets are comfortable in their domicile as their energy matches the sign they are placed in, take for example Mars. People with Mars in Aries or Scorpio have a lot of energy and courage to take stand or fight for a cause they believe in.

Saturn in Capricorn or Aquarius natives have a level-headed approach to their life. One of their strengths lies in their ability to keep their calm even in the most chaotic environments. They will be cool as a cucumber or stoic.

Venus in Taurus or Libra will have high standards when it comes to relationships, they will not compromise. They will have refined way to dress up, or live. Best quality, they find something to appreciate even in the most mundane things. They are gracious and graceful.

People with Jupiter in Sagittarius or Pisces will have very strong personal values and belief system which they will not budge from. It is not affected by society or social approval. They love to acquire wisdom and think deeply. Often generous to a fault and empathetic.

People with Sun in Leo are loyal, charitable and love to be involved in communal activities. They have a big heart and larger than life personality.

Moon in Cancer natives are radiant with agile minds. They are perceptive and good at understanding others' thoughts.

Natives with Mercury in Virgo or Gemini cultivate many skills and good at conversation. They will be brimming with new ideas, trivia, metaphors and anecdotes. Very entertaining personality if the rest of the chart supports.
