The Battle of Forces: Saturn-Mars Interplay and the Courage to Overcome Trauma

Trauma, much like the influence of 'Vish Yoga' in astrology, can act as a powerful force that holds you back, paralyzing both your emotional and physical energy. Vish Yoga occurs when Saturn and the Moon are in conjunction, creating a combination that symbolizes heaviness, sadness, and emotional blockage. Just as Vish means poison in Sanskrit, trauma, too, has a poisonous effect on your life—clouding your mind, weighing down your emotions, and limiting your ability to move forward. The Weight of Trauma: Saturn’s Restriction In Vish Yoga, Saturn represents limitation, melancholy, and the burdens of the past. When trauma strikes, it manifests similarly by creating emotional walls that prevent growth. These walls lead to pessimism, self-doubt, and the inability to trust yourself or others. Trauma keeps you stuck in a cycle of sadness and fear, much like Saturn’s cold, restrictive grip in Vish Yoga. It holds you back, making it difficult to take risks or embrace opportunities, leaving you feeling stuck and disconnected from your true potential. Emotional Paralysis: The Moon’s Pain The Moon governs emotions, instincts, and the mind. In Vish Yoga, the Moon’s nurturing, emotional energy is suppressed by Saturn’s restrictive nature. Similarly, trauma clouds your ability to process and express emotions fully. You may feel overwhelmed by sadness or fear but lack the clarity to articulate or release it. This emotional paralysis prevents you from fully engaging with life and keeps you in a loop of pain and isolation. How Trauma Limits Growth Just like Vish Yoga limits emotional and physical expression, trauma can stifle your growth. Trauma is stored in the body and mind, creating patterns of fear and withdrawal that restrict your ability to act or move forward. It limits your confidence and hinders you from taking the necessary steps toward healing or self-fulfillment. The toxic effects of trauma make you feel as though you are carrying an invisible burden—one that affects your relationships, career, and overall well-being.

Breaking Free: Mars and Movement In contrast to Saturn’s restriction, Mars symbolizes motion, energy, and the drive to take action. To break free from the hold of trauma, you must activate the energy of Mars—both mentally and physically. Movement, whether through physical exercise, action in your daily life, or emotional release, can help dispel the stagnant energy that trauma creates. By tapping into the dynamic force of Mars, you can start to release the trauma stored in your body. Physical movement, such as exercise, yoga, or any form of dynamic activity, can help release tension and pain that’s been held in the body. This process restores your life force, allowing you to overcome the limitations imposed by both trauma and Vish Yoga. Healing through Action and Release To heal from the grip of trauma, much like overcoming Vish Yoga, you need to confront the stagnant emotions and past experiences head-on. This doesn’t mean dwelling on the past but rather using the Mars-like energy of action to bring change. Whether it's through physical movement, emotional expression, or creative pursuits, the act of releasing stored trauma allows you to regain control over your life. With each step forward, you begin to break free from the emotional and physical limitations imposed by trauma. In this way, trauma, like Vish Yoga, can paralyze you if left unchecked, but through the power of movement, action, and emotional release, you can break free from its poison and reclaim your energy for growth and transformation.In astrology, both Mars and Ketu are considered powerful forces of transformation, each playing a distinct yet complementary role in the process of purging, releasing, and moving forward. The saying "Kuja wat Ketu" reflects the deep similarity between these two planets, as Mars and Ketu share the ability to cut through limitations and initiate significant change. They both require courage and a willingness to face discomfort, but the outcomes—whether painful or relieving—depend on how you respond to their energy.

Mars: The Courage to Confront

Mars is the planet of action, drive, and courage. It symbolises the energy you need to confront your fears, stand up to challenges, and break free from the stagnation that trauma and emotional burdens create. When trauma holds you back, it takes Mars-like courage to face it head-on. Mars gives you the impulse to act, to push through fear and discomfort, and to initiate the first steps toward healing and change.

However, Mars doesn’t simply remove the obstacles—it triggers the process. This can feel disruptive, even painful, as Mars is often about immediate, sharp action. Think of Mars as the spark that lights a fire—it requires boldness to ignite, but it can burn intensely as it consumes old patterns. The key here is confrontation: Mars asks you to be brave enough to face your trauma and your fears, which is the first step toward overcoming them.

Ketu: The Courage to Release

Where Mars initiates the action, Ketu takes the process further by helping you release what no longer serves you. Ketu, often associated with detachment and spiritual liberation, doesn’t act as aggressively as Mars but instead works through severing attachments and dissolving emotional or karmic ties. This is where Ketu’s courage comes in—not the bold, outward courage of Mars, but the inner strength to let go. 

While Mars pushes you to confront, Ketu helps you detach from the past. Whether it's old wounds, toxic relationships, or deeply ingrained trauma, Ketu’s influence facilitates the purging and clearing process. Just as Mars triggers, Ketu releases—but this process can also be painful if you're clinging to what needs to be let go. Ketu's energy asks for acceptance and surrender, qualities that require just as much courage as confrontation. The pain of Ketu’s purging arises from resisting the inevitable; the relief comes from embracing the process.

Purging Trauma: Mars and Ketu Together

Together, Mars and Ketu create a dynamic force for transformation. Trauma, much like the influence of Vish Yoga, can paralyze you, preventing growth and forward motion. Mars, with its fiery energy, triggers the start of the healing process by confronting the trauma directly. Ketu, with its more subtle, yet equally potent energy, helps you cut ties with the emotional weight that trauma brings.

The process can be painful when the initial confrontation (Mars) forces you to face uncomfortable truths or relive painful memories. Likewise, Ketu's purging may feel difficult as you’re required to release attachments to your old self, habits, or traumas that have been part of your identity for so long. However, once you move through this process, the relief is immense. Mars and Ketu together symbolize the courageous journey from confrontation to liberation.

Whether the purging process feels painful or relieving depends largely on the circumstances and your readiness to face the energy of Mars and Ketu. If you resist Mars’ confrontational energy or Ketu’s detachment, the process will feel heavy, burdensome, and painful. However, if you embrace the courage required to act (Mars) and let go (Ketu), the process leads to immense relief, freedom, and renewal.

Mars triggers the motion, giving you the strength to break free from limitations, while Ketu helps you release the residue of trauma and emotional baggage. Together, they require courage—courage to act, to face discomfort, and to detach. When approached with this mindset, the purging process can be transformative, turning the paralysis of trauma into a pathway of healing, freedom, and growth.
